Quakers Hill
NSW 2763
Suburb Profile and Information

Last updated for Year 2024
Here you can find the latest 2024 suburb profile for Quakers Hill, NSW 2763. This information will provide insight into the suburb’s postcode & local council, location, size, population, and demographic. It also provides the location of important places in the suburb, including transport, residential area, retirement community, schools and shopping centres.
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About Quakers Hill
Postcode & Local Government Area :
Quakers Hill postcode is 2763 and it shared the same postcode with Acacia Gardens and Nirimba Fields. Quakers Hill is part of The Blacktown City Council LGA.
The driving distance from Quakers Hill to Sydney CBD is 45.1km (approx. 38mins drive with toll) and 42.5km (approx. 1hour 5mins drive without toll).
Quakers Hill is approximately 9.2 square kilometres in area. It includes twenty parks, which account for almost 9.4% of the total area.
Quakers Hill had a population of 27,073 people in 2016. By 2021, the population had risen to 27,893, representing a 3.02% increase in the area.
The 35-39 years old age group is the most prevalent in Quakers Hill. Quakers Hill primary household is a family composed of couples with children, with a median weekly household income of $2,310 and a median mortgage repayment of $2,300 every month. Most people in Quakers Hill work as professionals.

What's in Quakers Hill
Quakers Hill Station (Railway Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Schools in Quakers Hill:
Quakers Hill Public School (Public Primary School, 31 Medlow Dr, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Barnier Public School (Public Primary School, 120 Barnier Dr, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Hambledon Public School (Public Primary School, 35 Bali Dr, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Mary Immaculate Parish (Catholic Primary School, 125 Barnier Dr, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Quakers Hill High School (Public High School, 70 Lalor Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Wyndham College (Public High School, Nirimba Education Precinct, Eastern Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
St John Paul II Catholic College (Catholic High School, Nirimba Education Precinct, Eastern Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
TAFE NSW - Nirimba (Tertiary Education, Nirimba Education Precinct, Eastern Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Western Sydney University - Nirimba (Tertiary Education, Nirimba Education Precinct, Eastern Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Schools Catchment for Quakers Hill:
Quakers Hill East Public School (Public Primary School, Acacia Gardens).
Shopping Centres / Shops:
Quakers Court (168 Falmouth Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).
Farnham Road Shopping Village /Farnham Rd Shopping Centre (216 Farnham Rd, Quakers Hill, NSW 2763).
Local shops near the train station (Doughlas Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763)
Pye Road Groceries (82 Pye Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763)
Notable Places:
Quakers Hill Community Centre (7 Lalor Rd, Quakers Hill NSW 2763).