The Ponds
NSW 2769
Suburb Profile and Information

Last updated for Year 2024
Here you can find the latest 2024 suburb profile for The Ponds, NSW 2769. This information will provide insight into the suburb’s postcode & local council, location, size, population, and demographic. It also provides the location of important places in the suburb, including transport, residential area, retirement community, schools and shopping centres.
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About The Ponds
Postcode & Local Government Area:
The postcode for the ponds is 2769. The Ponds is part of The Blacktown City Council LGA.
The driving distance from The Ponds to Sydney CBD is 42.1km (approx. 38mins drive with toll) and 40.3km (approx. 57mins drive without toll).
The Ponds is approximately 4.7 square kilometres in area, and it includes seven parks, which account for 14.6% of the total area.
The Ponds had a population of 11,726 people in 2016. By 2021, the population had risen to 16,315 representing a 39.13% increase in the area.
The 35-44 years old age group is the most prevalent in The Ponds. The Ponds primary household is a family composed of couples with children, with a median weekly household income of $3,285 and a median mortgage repayment of $3,000 every month. Most people in The Ponds work as professionals.

What's in The Ponds
Retirement Community / Estate:
Anglicare: The Ponds Village ( 2 View St, The Ponds NSW 2769).
Schools in the Ponds:
John Palmer Public School (Public Primary School, 85 The Ponds Blvd, The Ponds NSW 2769).
Riverbank Public School (Public Primary School, 25 Wentworth St, The Ponds NSW 2769).
The Ponds High School (Public High School, 180 Riverbank Dr, The Ponds NSW 2769).
The Ponds School (Special needs School, 201 The Ponds Blvd, The Ponds NSW 2769)
Shopping Centres / Shops:
The Ponds Shopping Centre (Corner of The Ponds Blvd & Riverbank Dr, The Ponds NSW 2769)
Notable Places:
Ironbark Lake (Corner of The Ponds Blvd & Camomile St, The Ponds NSW 2769).
The Lake Neighbourhood Centre (Corner of Spearmint St & Camomile St, The Ponds NSW 2769).
The Ponds Community Hub (45 Riverbank Dr, The Ponds NSW 2769).